Tuesday, December 29, 2009

14 October 2009


this is the FIRST time i forgot the password and email address

I tried many many times

thinking the password and email address about 30MINUTES

in the end also can't get it

lazy to create a new account but finaly a new accout was created


this few days,feeling so s0 SO BAD

because i heard something from my school's friends that are really IRRITATING me

when i heard of that,

my heart was ............

you know......URRGG...

I never thought that would happen

not SAD ..

not ANGRY ..

not UNAPPY ..


just QUIET.........

I don't know what respond I should give when I realised that you did that to me

I'm trying not to think 'bout it..

trying hard to forget 'bout it

I'm forcing myself to do these selfish matters to forget 'bout what you did

but it is IMPOSSIBLE..


both of you are deceiving me...

really ridiculous..

i won't believe YOU and YOU anymore..

our friendship cannot be sustained anymore..

that's all in my mind..


i still have some GOOD friends can listen to me

I really very appreciate our friendship

and I hope that is FOREVER. O(∩_∩)O

sick not yet recover..

already many days didn't go to school

I'm afraid to receive SURAT AMARAN AGAIN

really scared the pricipal will "KICK" me out of the school

what to do...


SPM is coming soon

need to WORK HARD on it

I will try my best to do it

I will not let my parents dissapointed

but ..

the desire don't be too high

ahhaaaaa ~\(≧▽≦)/~

14 of Oct.


8.47 a.m

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