Tuesday, December 29, 2009

12 November 2009


spm is just hardly one week away..


what to do ??

study study study.?.


time passed day by day..

18/11/2009.. SPM !!!!!

wuuhuuuuu ~~!!

after spm where to go ?

what course i need to take ?

still thinking 'bout that..

TODAY,I went to school.

iissshhh..HATE !!!

so damn HOT..

the teachers want us to move the tables and chairs from DEWAN D.C.P.S to Mother PAULINE hall..

gooshhh...so DAMN HEAVY..and HOT..

someone still sitting there and chit chat with friends. =.=

the teachers still want us to clean up all the f*cking dirty tables and chairs somemore..


at last,the teachers let us take a rest and let other students to clean it up : )

after that,we have a RAPTAI *hees for the spm..

and we were standing under the hot sun and waiting the teachers to let us enter the hall : (

TODAY,we've took a lots of photos in school..

i think i will miss these friends damn much : )

what class ??


what class ??


12 Nov.



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